adobe air for iphone

關於 Adobe AIR: Adobe AIR 執行階段可讓開發人員將相同的程式碼封裝成適用於 Windows 和 Mac OS 桌上型電腦,以及 iOS 和 Android 裝置的原生應用程式和遊戲,觸及超過 10 億個桌上型電腦系統和提供超過 5 億個裝置的行動應用程式商店。

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The Adobe® AIR, runtime enables you to have your favorite web applications with you all the time. Since applications built for Adobe AIR run on your desktop computer without a web browser, they provid...

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  • Flash with Adobe AIR, can handle both. Further links that where helpful to me: Flex/AIR fo...
    Making an App: Adobe AIR for iOS – Flash to iOS Walkthrough
  • 關於 Adobe AIR: Adobe AIR 執行階段可讓開發人員將相同的程式碼封裝成適用於 Windows 和 Mac OS 桌上型電腦,以及 iOS 和 Android 裝置...
    Adobe - Adobe AIR
  • Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Adobe Acroba...
    Adobe Acrobat Reader: Annotate, Scan, & Send PDFs on the App Store
  • 根據預設,ADT 一定會啟動iPhone 模擬器。若要變更模擬器裝置,請執行下列動作:. 使用下列命令檢視可用的模擬器。 xcrun simctl list devices. 輸出...
    Adobe AIR * 使用iOS 模擬器進行裝置模擬
  • 建立您的第一個AIR for iOS 應用程式. AIR 2.6 或更新的版本、iOS 4.2 或更新的版本 ... 所有iPhone 應用程式在載入iPhone 時都會顯示其起始...
    Adobe AIR * 建立您的第一個AIR for iOS 應用程式
  • Use the resources on this page to learn how to use Adobe AIR to package and deploy games a...
    Adobe air for ios
  • Use the resources on this page to learn how to use Adobe AIR to package and deploy games a...
    Adobe AIR for iOS | Adobe Developer Connection
  • Adobe Flash Professional CS5 and Adobe AIR creating applications for iPhone, iPad and Andr...
    Adobe AIR for the iPhone and Android OS using Flash Pro CS5 - YouTube
  • 2015年8月18日 - In this post, we will explain the possible causes and solutions for some gen...
    Adobe AIR iPhone iPad | Adobe AIR and Adobe Flash Player Team Blog
  • The Adobe® AIR® runtime enables developers to package the same code into native apps for W...
    Adobe AIR | Deploy applications across platforms and devices
  • Obtain a distribution certificate and provisioning profile from the iPhone Dev Center ... ...
    Adobe Flash Platform * Submitting your iPhone application to the App ...
  • I'm using Flash CS6 and Air 3.9 to publish an iOS app. How to add the icons for iPhone...
    Air iOS - How to add iPhone 6 icons to app.xml? | Adobe Community ...
  • AIR iPhone (AIR iPhone.exe). AIR iPhone is an Adobe AIR application that reproduces the iP...
    AIR iPhone - Software Informer. AIR iPhone is an Adobe AIR application that reproduces the...
  • 聽說Apple公司的3G iPhone手機已經在全世界數十個國家上市了,很遺憾的台灣並沒有「跟世界接軌」,聽說至少得等到今年九月之後才有機會買到正式進口的原廠的手機。不過如果你想搶...
    AIR iPhone 模擬器 _ 重灌狂人
  • ... how to develop mobile apps for Apple iOS on Apple iPhone and iPad using Adobe Flash Bu...
    Apple iOS, iPhone, and iPad app development | Adobe Developer ...
  • What happens to the existing applications on iPhone and iPod Touch 5th Generation? The app...
    Deploying AIR Apps on iPhone 5 - Adobe Blogs | Welcome to Blogs
  • You can use Adobe® Flash® Platform tools and ActionScript® 3.0 code to build Adobe® AIR® a...
    Getting started building AIR applications for the iPhone - Adobe
  • 2015年8月18日 - In this post, we will explain the possible causes and solutions for some gen...
    iPhone and iPad | Adobe AIR and Adobe Flash Player Team Blog
  • 2015年3月9日 - For Adobe AIR applications, a launch image must remain visible until the ... ...
    Launch Images on iOS with Adobe AIR - Adobe Blogs
  • Flash with Adobe AIR, can handle both. Further links that where helpful to me: Flex/AIR fo...
    Making an App: Adobe AIR for iOS – Flash to iOS Walkthrough
  • 關於 Adobe AIR: Adobe AIR 執行階段可讓開發人員將相同的程式碼封裝成適用於 Windows 和 Mac OS 桌上型電腦,以及 iOS 和 Android 裝置...
    Adobe - Adobe AIR